Technology Stream: Spotlight on Apparent Loss

SCADAWatch by Innovyze Delivers Insights to Tackle Apparent Losses

scadawatchApparent losses – unauthorized consumption, meter inaccuracies, and mishandled data – lead to both water loss and lost revenue for utilities. SCADAWatch, an operational analytics solution by Innovyze, analyzes water meter data on a real-time basis to deliver the right insights to reduce apparent losses. Consolidate millions of data points in one place to compare usage data with customer billing, utilize smart alerts when data deviates from predictions, and easily communicate results with web dashboards and reporting.

Meter Data Intelligence from WaterSmart

meter data intelligenceWaterSmart has introduced Meter Data Intelligence (MDI), a new way to identify apparent water meter losses using advanced machine learning. By combining consumption, billing, property, census, weather and other complex data sets through time-series analysis, MDI identifies irregular usage patterns that indicate apparent meter losses. The WaterSmart platform then generates prioritized remediation reports by loss value which aids water suppliers in addressing losses, recovering revenue and improving operational efficiency.

Itron Intelis Water Meterintelis

The Itron Intelis water meter is the latest ultrasonic solid-state solution that utilizes edge intelligence to track flow usage patterns at the meter level, setting a new standard in intelligent water metering. The accuracy of the ultrasonic measurement technology helps water utilities in revenue protection by decreasing apparent water loss.

RePipe 4710 Trenchless Water Main Replacement

Cities across America are facing similar problems brought on by aging and failing infrastructure. RePipe 4710 is a trenchless water main replacement solution that delivers cost savings from installation through operation and maintenance. We accomplish this by replacing the existing deteriorated mains with a new structural high-density polyethylene pipe inside the existing main. The process is less expensive and less disruptive than the traditional method of digging and replacing pipe.

Mueller Systems Mi.Net Fixed Network

Mi.Net Fixed Network Collector enables efficient, robust data acquisition and monitoring for utilities across the Mi.Net Mueller Infrastructure Network. The fixed network collector enables two-way radio frequency communication between water meters equipped with encoder registers, radio transceivers and the Mi.Host software application. Mueller Network Operations Center monitors collectors to ensure that the network is running efficiently. Collectors are equipped with a large array of non-volatile memory and 511 days of hourly data stored in each node. Visit to learn more.

aclara amiAclara AMI Reduces Non-Revenue Water Loss

By providing accurate and reliable meter reads, Aclara RF advanced metering infrastructure offers utilities the information they need to reduce apparent water losses. The granular data provided by the system contributes to both meter right sizing and meter replacement analytics, theft and tamper identification, and the ability to add applications such as hydrant monitoring and construction metering to measure, track, and identify apparent water loss that might otherwise remain unknown.

DuraShield from McGard

durashieldThe DuraShield from McGard, your strong & durable security solution to prevent unauthorized access! Constructed of stainless steel with multiple security points, the DuraShield is lightweight, easy to handle and transport. It is installed in seconds, and removed without bending over. McGard is the nation’s leading manufacturer of mechanical security devices. Our unique line of products has provided innovative security solutions for perimeter security and theft prevention for high security government facilities, universities, public utilities, the oil industry and corporate campuses.

FATHOM Smart Grid for Water

smart gridFATHOM’s Smart Grid for Water is transforming the municipal water industry with a comprehensive solution as a service that includes infrastructure, software, services and a community of industry experts. FATHOM spans from meter to customer, including utility billing and customer service operations. Snap in to The Smart Grid to identify and fix leaks of data, drops and dollars – while delighting customers and improving annual revenue at the same time.

M.E. Simpson Meter Testing & Repair

M.E. Simpson

Water utilities are not in the business to lose money so it is important that their meters, especially the larger meters, including the water production meters, are accurate so that revenue for the utility is maximized. We offer large meter testing/repair/retesting to help insure water systems have the needed revenue to operate and provide for a community’s total drinking water needs.

Hidden Revenue Locator from Valor Water Analytics

valor water analyticsValor Water’s Hidden Revenue Locator software uses meter data to find apparent losses, so utilities can locate the issue and take action in real time. We use data science methods to locate losses in the form of metering under-registration, systematic data handling errors, leaks and unauthorized consumption. Typical results are 1.5 percent gross revenue identified & recovered. With Valor technology, water utilities can: prioritize meter replacement each month; provide revenue assurance across the system; and comply with water loss regulations and standards.

Technology Stream: Spotlight on Apparent Loss Technology Stream: Spotlight on Apparent Loss Reviewed by audrinadaniels on November 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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