World Asthma Day 2019: Definition, Objective, Theme, Symptoms and Treatment

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World Asthma Day is celebrated every year on May 7 to foster awareness regarding this respiratory disease. This day is annually organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma, abbreviated as GINA.
World Asthma Day | Definition
Asthma is a chronic disease that causes your airways to become inflamed, it becomes hard to breathe for asthmatic patients. This respiratory disease is most common among children.
World Asthma Day | Objective
World Asthma Day is celebrated for reasons like - to raise awareness of asthma symptoms and how to control it, educate health practitioners about the importance of correct diagnosis and disease control, and enhance asthma patients and their awareness of the importance of avoiding and controlling asthma triggers.
It is of paramount importance that we understand the need to control this disease. Going by the recent facts, around 235 million people worldwide suffer from asthma.
World Asthma Day | Theme
The theme for World Asthma Day 2019 is “STOP for Asthma.”
World Asthma Day | Symptoms
Some of its common symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. Asthma symptoms can appear when you are exposed to something you are sensitive about like certain chemicals, extreme weather changes, smoke, dust mites, stress, and exercise.
Asthma may also lead to a medical emergency. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of an asthma attack.
World Asthma Day | Treatment
There is no cure for asthma but once it is properly diagnosed and a treatment plan is in place you will be able to manage your condition and improve your quality of life. But there are still 5 easy and effective home remedies for Asthma attacks that can help you!
World Asthma Day 2019: Definition, Objective, Theme, Symptoms and Treatment World Asthma Day 2019: Definition, Objective, Theme, Symptoms and Treatment Reviewed by audrinadaniels on May 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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